Friday, April 18, 2008

April 10th-21 Earthquake project

We have been hard at work completing our earthquake webquest. We should be finishing up the last part of it towards the middle of next week. Please go to my homepage and download the webquest for further details.

4/16-4/21 Clean up and then study cells

On the 16th and 17th, in honor of the upcoming earth day celebatrion we watched the Lorax and then went outside to clean up the upper and lower fields. We found many items including an old car battery charger and a glass gatorade bottle.

On the 18th and 21st we went back into the cells book and learned about Cell theory, surface to volume ratios and why you don't find cells the size of elephants. We dove back into the pond water and saw single celled organisms including cilliates, stentors and even an aomeba!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April 14-15 Cells, Cells, Cells

Today we started the new book, Cells, Heredity and Classification. We used the microscope to look at cells of the water plant Elodea. Some classes also looked at pond water (affectionately known as pond scum). We saw single and multicellular organisms.

We read section one together and took notes on cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities and the ecosystem!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April 8 building robotic arms

Today our A classes read about working and living in space (section 4 of chapter 5). We then completed the lab on page 148 (entitled Reach for the Stars).

Following the lab we worked on our water rockets. Weather permitting we will launch them on April 9th and 10th.

April 8-9 Earthquakes continued

Today we read the last section of chapter 5 'Earthquakes' then worked on our webquest. Each group should be finishing up with task 1 and 2 at this point in time.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

April 2nd-3rd Satellites are out tonite

Today in class we read the section on satellites and discussed how technology from the space race benefits us.

Following this we launched several water rockets and then came back inside and began to design our own rockets. We'll be doing this over the next 2 classes.

April 2nd-3rd: Starting Earthquake webquest

Today in class we began to work on our earthquake webquest. We'll be researching the causes of earthquakes, how they are measured and how we build structures that can survive them. We'll also learn about some of the world's major earthquakes.

A copy of the webquest can be found on my webpage in the 8th grade homework section