Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Oct 6-7, Ear ye, Ear ye

We are into chapter two today--we started off with a demo model of the eardrum--we played music and bounced a laser beam off of the surface of the eardum and on to the smartboard--we watched the vibrations of the music cause the laser beam to create some very interesting patterns.

We then demonstrated what happens to sound waves when you remove air. We rang a bell inside a bell jar--then removed some of the air with a vacuum pump. We found that the sound of the bell became fainter.

We then discussed air pressure, scuba diving and balloons. We saw that if you put a balloon into a low pressure area the balloon expands. We found the same thing happened to marshmallows--put them in low pressure and they expand.

Finally, we used inspiration software to start the creation of a concept map for chapters one and two.

Note: Ten points of homework were due today.

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