Friday, February 8, 2008

Feb 8/11 How the Solar System Formed

We took our quiz on telescopes (chapter 1, section 2-3) the Big Bang (chapter 4, section 4) and then discussed gravity and gas laws--two ideas that helped explain how the solar system formed and heated up. Some classes viewed a demonstration of the fire piston--a device that compresses air causing it to heat up to 210 degrees C--causing a piece of cotton to burst into flame.

We then got into groups and gathered facts about the planets. We then used a computer simulation program to look at the orbits of the inner, rocky planets and the outer gas giants.

Finally we viewed several slides that showed the relative sizes of the planets, our sun and other larger stars.

Homework was to read pages 34-38 in the astronomy textbook, then complete the section review questions on page 38.

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